Amber, Sonia, and I went scrapbooking this evening. Amber was giving me the run down on her spring break plans to visit Belize with her boyfriend.
(I too am going to the beach over spring break....::cough cough, with my Mom, cough cough::.) She was looking at her pictures from the marathon she ran this last fall in Chicago.
(I too ran a marathon this fall. Yup, I recorded all the episodes from last year's Ace of Cakes, and I sure did watch that Marathon in one little sit down marathon session. TV series marathons aren't for sissies.) Anyway, she was reminicing about her post-marathon self.
(I wait, I didn't lose my 'marathon body', I'm every bit as 'glamorous' and 'sleth' as I was last fall. ::Picking self up off the floor, laughter can do that to you.::.) I, of course, psshawed skinny woman for her self deprecation-puh-lease, see the below pictures, some of us are ridiculous. She assured me this really was a concern, and claimed, "I have to get in a swimsuit by spring break." Once the words cleared out of her mouth, she lifted this little beauty to her lips to take their place.

I asked her if she was going to include a coverup with that swimsuit? If so....I have a few dozen she can borrow. I love that she doesn't take life, or calories too serious. Fine...I had a piece of cake too, look, we were celebrating a birthday! Whose? I don't know, I'd never met the lady before in my life-her friend brought her a cake, and she offered us a piece, and at the risk of being rude, we took it....and ate it....and licked the plate. I've already got my coverup for my beach vacation, and it fits just fine, thank you very much!!!
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