They are master Connect Four, Candyland, and puzzle players. (Please notice 'my helper'-I like her style. Grab 'em all, and see if you can get them in without your partner noticing.) They also reminded me that sometimes it's not about winning. Sometimes it's fun to just take turns putting the chips in the rows, and making patterns. Sometimes it's exciting just to flip over a candyland card and see an ice cream instead of a color. Sure, it may move you back to the beginning of the board, but you got the 'card with the picture'....and who really cares who crosses finish first?
My request for babysitting sweet little Mary Margaret, and Kate was that I got to bring some crafts. I have it on good authority (good authority being-their Mom, a friend of mine at work ) that Mary Margaret would like to bake every day, and twice on Sunday). The first order of business. Crayons!

I found this silicone heart mold tray at Target. MM helped me break the crayons, select the colors for each heart, and monitor them as they baked.

And with Mom's permission, we made some chocolate dipped marshmallows (all left over pieces of past crafts I had at home). She's a pro.

I was going to take these two cute little bugs home with me, but I don't have a line on my Dave Ramsey budget sheet for two little girls. Plus, I think Mom and Dad are pretty happy with the status quo of two daughters.
1 comment
Your crayon project turned out a lot better than mine! http://lambaround.blogspot.com/2010/10/crayola-crayon-incident.html
I just found your blog and can't believe how many fun projects you have here! I love all your ideas for Valentine's Day. Thank so much :)
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