My pal Sarah does not like chocolate, so I used a recipe I have for Sprinkle's Strawberry Cupcakes for her Paris shower cupcakes. One thing I need to say (for my own sanity) is that the frozen strawberries and butter can make this icing VERY runny in humid/warmer weather. I ended up adding double the powdered sugar, and even at that I had to keep them refrigerated, and they were sagging by the end of the shower. So, it's delicious, but....get LOTS of powdered sugar for sanity's sake.
I piped these little eiffle towers for the top of the cupcake. I just melted some chocolate in a ziplock, snipped the corner and did my best rendition and added the heart sprinkle. I saw this on the net via a search via flickr.
Sarah's cupcake got a strawberry, the rest were garnished with these little guys.

1 comment
Paris is famous and popular city in all over the world. You give nice description about eiffle tower cupcakes. This decoration look too good and attractive.
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