Coffee: Build Your Own Tiered Platter

Thursday, May 10, 2012
Next week I'll be posting a week's worth of post covering a shower we threw for a friend of mine.  There are a lot of details, so a few have spilled over into this week.  This is a super easy project, and I've seen versions of this throughout the net, case you need a quick way to make multiple tiered ya go. 
In this case, we wanted natural colors, so I bought these earth friendly, overpriced plates at Sprouts.  These would be really cute in bright colors with fun cups. 
I glued the plates together via the cups, and then used these on all the guest tables to offer some coffee desserts.  It would be a good tea party platter idea as well, and if I had a time machine....I might go back in time and try this out instead of asking friends to let me borrow their china (biting nails). 

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