One of my favorite things to do....and anyone that has known me for more than five seconds know this, and bring people 'stuff.' It helps that I blog a lot and am always looking for ideas, but little gifts. My favorite hobby. Peaches are in season in Texas, and I love trying out recipes. Last year I found
this recipe for peach muffins I really like. The recipes easily makes 24 muffins. I made baskets filled with these guys for friends this year, or individual boxes for friends that don't have to share with 17 kiddos at home. I used the fruit baskets I had from my teddy bear shower, bought some fabric I cut with pinking sheers (a new addition in the last few years to my 'collection'....I'm always looking for excuses to use them, so if you ever swing by and I ask if you'd like me to trim your clothese....just say now). Ribbon made from raffiar and that 'hole-ee fabric 'stuff' you find in the costume section at fabric stores....another obsession), and tag.
I bagged them all up in cellophane baggies.....the boxes got some brown raffia. Whoa....I know. I go all out.
Really, who cares what's inside as long as it's cute, sometimes I deliver my bills in cute packaging to make my day more exciting, but....I really do like these muffins.
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