Super simple-I used the following recipe: 5 T. meringue, 1/2 c. water, and 1 lb of powdered sugar (if you don't have a scale-this is apparently 3 3/4 c.). I didn't need the number of eyes these would make, and I didn't feel like making any other decorations at this time, so I cut everything in 1/4th (this means I did just a little under 1 c. of powdered sugar since it was just shy of 3 3/4 c. originally). You beat this for 4 minutes until it's stiff. If it's too stiff (it will form a peek when you pipe it), just add 1/4 t. of water back into the mix and beat, repeat if necessary. If it's too wet (doesn't hold it's shape/spreads), add more powdered sugar. When you are ready, leave 3/4 of your icing white, and dye 1/4 black. Pipe your designs onto wax or freezer paper. The full recipe makes 600 eyes.
I put the icing in a baggie, and snipped off the corner, then I piped my eyes on wax paper.
Next, I piped the icing I had mixed some black dye into over the white. I did all assortments of sizes. There are all sorts of circle templates you can download on line, but a random mix of dots worked fine.
I let them dry overnight, and then I started adding eyes to all my crafts. It's a little bit disturbing to have your food watch you. I got over it. I'll be sharing a few of those sweets soon.

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