I have survived the month of September....barely. 2 showers, three birthday parties, back to school, illness, no voice, retreats, and bootcamp-gladiator style. It's now back to Good Morning, Texas. I'll post the clip from today's shower on my facebook page later, but in the meantime...here is a sneak peak at today's crafts. I have three more scheduled for October with lots more Halloween and fall crafts on the way. Today was all about washi tape. I was asked to put together a pumpkin and a few other projects using the tape.
You may have seen it/used it/slept with it under your pillow. I do love it-and just in case you are wondering-nobody is paying me to say that, nor do I get any money from any store I even mention on air...just in case you were wondering-I always wondered. I use a lot of ribbon and have to put double sided tape on the back...this takes the place of ribbon in my scrapbooking, is a lot cheaper, and comes with it's own 'sticky stuff' stuck on, so....it saves time. They sell this at any craft store (even found a bunch for a dollar at JoAnne's and two packs for 2 dollars at Hobby Lobby (on sale)). I also found it at Target and Walmart.It's sometimes called 'decorative' tape. It's not as thick as tape, it's more of a paper....that's sticky. There are about 123,456 things you can do with it, so....here are three. Above-you can use it instead of drink tags. No more charms...or trying to remember which charm is yours. It sticks really well (I went to a retreat this past weekend and it even stuck through dish washing). On the other end...it pulls off with no mess. Magic!
Below is a pumpkin....
I wrapped some stripes around it with the washi tape, added some rhinestones (already with 'sticky stuff on them as well)! And then..a bow. Everything is better with a bow. If my electricity company would send the bill with a bow I'm sure it would go down easier.
Last up....I send a lot of cards for the holidays. I feel like I need to go get a loan or something everything I go to buy a card. I saw this cute idea here. There are a ton of different variations, but....three stripes, not quite even (I didn't want it to be even). I drew a face with a permanent marker and then stamped on a message (found the stamp at JoAnne's for a buck too). OK....that about covers all I have time for....but every time I start playing with something new I get a little obsessed, so I'm sure this won't be the last time you see the word 'washi' on my blog.

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