Tarnish Be Gone

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Things are weird.  And scary.  So I'll blog.
 I'm at home (as are most of my friends around the world).   I'm crafting, cleaning, and I finally put away that dog medicine that's been sitting on my nightstand since May.  I'm also in the middle of a bathroom remodel.  I bought this spoon via etsy for my bath salt awhile back.  It tarnished.
 Did you know, you can rub toothpaste on tarnished silverware, mirrors, jewelry, trays etc and it works just like polish?  I usually use an old toothbrush b/c it gets all the nooks and crannies.  Today I used my finger because I can.
See, one quick rub and wash and it's as good as new-old silverware.

1 comment

Ann Hatty said...

It is a complicated task for cleaning. Really, so. Unfortunately, people not always have anough information to ask, for instance, www.emop.co.uk to make this work for and instead of you. That is the reason I am happy to ask their assistance for any type of cleaning purposes. They will do everything!