I was trying to think of something different to do for Amber's Shower. My broken record demands I repeat.....invitations and favors are my favorite part of every shower. The beginning and the end. The bookends of every event. I love doing snack bars, candy bars, and recently a bath salt bar. Thinking about Amber, I wanted something that reflects her personality, but is memorable. She's a teacher, marrying a cop. They both love giving, and serving. So.....a donation in honor of each guest seemed like the perfect tickets. Sarah asked Starbuck's for some of their dessert bags, and they complied, and we used these to bag up a card that explained what and where money was being donated in honor of each guest.
We chose a group called
Hisbridgebuilders. This is run by an incredible man and those he has inspired with his faith and faithfulness to the inner cities-who sees a need, and has a plan to go into the inner cities of large locations like Dallas and help revitalize the neighborhoods and lives of those that live there. His testimony and the lives of those that have been touched by this organization is incredible. I could never do it justice, but the link above gives a pretty great description, and the donations will hopefully go a long way in honoring the new Mr. and Mrs. and the friends that love them and were able to attend the shower.
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