Fall Fun-GMT Style

Thursday, October 11, 2012
I'm headed to GMT this morning.  I'll be doing two segments.  My friend, Jo, created a space on facebook for these to 'live' if you want to see the live version....which always allows for something a little 'different.' 
Segment One:
 These transfer shirts...
For the full tutorial, you can head to the link here
If I need to fill a little time (because those shirts are seriously so easy to make!), I'll also be slipping in how to print directly onto fabric.  Regardless...here is the link to that tutorial. 
Segment Two: 
Decorating Cupcakes with everyday candies. 
Here is the full tutorial for using candy corn to make fondant. 
I also will be using caramel and tootsie rolls to make the acorns, and a food writer to make the eyeballs out of m&ms (here's a tutorial where I've used these pens in the past)....assuming I don't eat all the products before I make it to the studio, which is becoming more of a real possibility as the hours pass. 

1 comment

Amanda and Cade Butler said...

Lyla and I tuned in and watched you! You are so good on TV! Loved those shirts!