A little over a year ago my pal Regan had a precious baby girl. A month later, I flew up for her Christening as her Godmother. At the time I brought myself and a little outfit and a book, one of my favorites-
Three Trees the story of Christ told in kid friendly language with creativity. I wanted some way to 'celebrate' her Baptism on 'our' anniversary (Jan 15th) and start a yearly tradition of sharing bits and pieces of our faith through these traditions. It's my 'duty' and my honor to get this role in her life....along with the 'buyer of fluffy dresses'. At this point, my plan is to choose a gift each year that somehow teaching some sort of lessons in faith. This year Micah got baby TOMS.
When you buy a pair of these shoes, they send a pair of shoes somewhere in the world to who are in need. I included Acts 20:35 "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said:
‘It is more blessed to give than to receive."
I can't wait to share these little gifts, but I'm as excited to have another year to learn FROM Micah as I get to watch her grow and experience the world.
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