BUT....here's a little tip I learned years ago...and perhaps you already know, but...just in case: I found this great coffee warmer for 7 bucks! That's nuts! One of my friends was hosting a shower over the weekend and we were chatting about ways to keep coffee warm without having to plug in a big ugly pot. She was going to look at a local home goods store for a coffee pot...but low and behold...I found this. It was tarnished...which I kind of like, but...assuming all her guest didn't...I figured I could let it tarnish again once it lived at my house, but in the meantime, I pulled out an old favorite trick I've applied in the past to some silver jewelry that lost it's shine....toothpaste and an old toothbrush!
Literally, just take your paste covered brush and scrub all over your silver. Rinse....
...and here's a before and after. The after is at night-I had to ship her off before good light, but...you get the point (ignore the moisture inside....I was cleaning out the antique store grime. You can repeat as many times as you want, but it's kind of an amazing deal.
In this little coffee pots case-add a tea light to the bottom and....just as soon as I learn how to MAKE coffee....I'll give her a go...in the meantime-she made her first debut this weekend...hopefully the first of many fun appearances. Now....to put those other fun items to use...

1 comment
Gasp! I love this coffee pot!
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