In no particular order-I painted some leaves and stamped tags for gifts. I used fake leaves from the dollar tree because it's September...and it was 100 degrees this weekend...and then it rained today, so all the real (green) ones are wet. The point is....any leaf stamp makes a cute stamp.
Next up, I took a bag of fake leaves from the dollar tree. I dipped them in mod podge and then pressed them to the side of a jar and let it dry (original idea from Dan). Again, you should be able to do this with real leaves in a month or so, decoupage glue helps preserve leaf colors....these would be cut table decor.
I have a few more projects, but here's one in the works....some leave 'paintings.' I love the idea of taking some foilage from places you travel too. paint a canvas whatever color you want.
Use a spray adhesive to stick the leaves down to the dried paint, then spray a second color over the top. Peel leaves off when dried.
Finished projects will be on display in the morning.

1 comment
These all look fantastic!!!
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