-I found these bandanna print napkins at Oriental Trading, and I was emailed a code that allowed me to get the shipping for just a little over 3 dollars. I debated on 'real bandannas,' which I've done before (and I have a pile of red and blue bandannas), but I just couldn't see the guys appreciating a 'genuine' pink bandanna, and I couldn't see me being OK with any other color. I'm hoping this is enough, I'll be cutting it close with 32....but...I'll bring some extra unwrapped silverware, just in case. By the way-I google search online coupons all the time before I order stuff online, and I have found a TON of great deals this way!
-Also, note the half pint jars (I found them at Albertson's the only place I have found them over the last few years). I went back and forth between banana pudding (Taylor's fun idea), pies in a jar(thanks for the reminder, Lori :O)) or a combo of both: mini-tin panned pies, banana pudding in a jar? I finally decided to ask the Mom-To-Be...and she said she'd like cobbler and ice cream. Oh. I countered with dump cake....such an easy recipe, in the jars I love. Hopefully it'll turn out OK.
I don't know where this banner will go...maybe a door, maybe the fence...maybe the trash. I just cut out the letters using my Western Cartridge for my Cricut, and I'll figure the rest out later.
I have enough beans to survive the next ice age. Some of these will find their way into mason jars. I 'need' a few more 'large' mason jars for daisy arrangements because....well...because I 'need' them.
Sign in will be boot shaped die cut messages on a wreath that can go on Alexis' door when she returns home from the hospital. I've done this before. I thought about having guest write messages on diapers for Mom and Dad to enjoy during those midnight changes. Then I remember the guest who would be attending...and I just didn't want to subject Alexis to the messages some of them might have produced. I need to go back and jazz up this bow....or not....I have to decide if I really care about it's less than stellar 'poof' quality.
Diaper Cake-I might have also bought this little pony over a year ago before Alexis had a name, or an extensive line of DNA...b/c I loved it. I can't remember clearly right now...in fact, I'm never going to be able to remember if it requires justifying an unjustifyed purchase. Good thing I bought it, huh? I heart this pony. Maybe Alexis will let me play with it when I visit. (The angle of this picture makes the cake look lopsided :O))
One of the items on the favor dessert bar will be these chocolate boot pops. Oops, did I buy two more buckets to equal a grand total of seven dessert buckets? BUT did I mention this boot mold was practically free? I had a gift card to use at this cake shop I frequent ::cough cough b/c I'd filled up my frequent shopper card cough cough:: and I didn't have enough stuff to use the whole card, so I threw this on the counter because you can't save the remaining balance (tricky). Then I took my free mold, and bought 17 dollars worth of chocolate, baggies, and sticks. What a bargain, right? I'll be using the bags and sticks for other desserts, so...
The Bags for the loot at the Dessert Bar....
I think that about covers everything I feel like photographing now, but now I'm going to pout b/c all the photos are dark, the bow is wimpy, and I really want a rice crispy treat right now. That has nothing to do with anything, but it's just what I want. And it's my blog.
You have a CRICUT! I am so jealous, but will keep that buried in my memory bank for later. Oh the details, I love it. How do you do all this on a teachers salary? "It's just what I want, and it's my blog" Gotta love it.
I love my cricut. Let me know if you ever need anything cut out! I have a nice selection of cartridges too.
A lot of the suppies (jars and tubs) I have collected over years. I try to reuse as much as possible. I have a garage FULL of party supplies...truly. The rest I buy with coupons. I'm a super shopper. I can also tell you where to find almost anything at Hobby Lobby, JoAnne's, and Michael's. Who has the best deal on each item etc. I use their discounts like crazy. I buy lots of 'stuff' well in advance, and I have amassed lots of stuff (like the raffia) at my house already. I loan my 'stuff' out all the time so it can get lots of miles.
I also budget, and I have an envelope I carry that is 'unaccounable spending' and I give myself permission to buy stuff like this...but when the money is gone....so is impulse spending for the rest of the month. I'm a serious bargain hunter....or else I'd have to be a serious second-job hunter. It's an artform. ;o)
I'm wondering how to snag an invitation to all the parties you give!! YOU ARE FUN!!!! and so creative!! You are definitely the go-to girl for all things "PARTY"!!
If you have another baby....or want to renew your vows...I'm there. ;o)
If not...you are invited to any party I throw....it's my hobby....celebrating-everything.
...and if you ever have to host a party...I've got a garage full of supplies for you to borrow anytime!
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