Here are all the instructions, inspirations, inaccurate grammar...this is a full service blog. This year I used vanilla cake mix and I dyed it pastel colors so that each egg has a fun little twist to it when you pop it open.
I also found the easiest way to bake these are in mini muffin tins withe opening facing up. You want to make sure you break any film that might be in there so it will fill up the whole egg and fill it about 2/3 full.
I even piped a little icing on a few at the top and added pastel sprinkles.
I also am making subway art eggs....I've never posted this before, but I did a lot of trial and error, so...please learn from me or there will be some very perturbed chickens...18 eggs later-it looks like I'll be eating deviled eggs for the next 9 meals. Here is what I learned....You can use various sized letters to create words (think subway art)...
I also found some cute stickers with the words already written out...
You could use stickers as well, or even make your own with stick contact paper. I found a cute bunny template online, shrunk it down and cut out some bunnies.
After many many attempts, and all kinds of rand trials (adhesive spray to make the stickers more sticky etc etc etc...the stickers kept floating off...But then....I used some random knowledge I had filed away in my head from previous arts/egg crafts and I used some panty hose (cheese clothe would work too) to hold my stickers on the egg.

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