I found these honey themed favor boxes
here. I was originally thinking about sending the invitations for my friend's Winnie the Pooh shower (in less than a month) inside these, but it was way too little. I went with a
bear honey jar instead. I then thought these would be a place to house the favors....but I went with
these little bags of honey scent bath products instead. So...I didn't want these to be a total waste, it was one of the first things I feel in love with. I'm serving lunch (lots...and lots of details to come) in really cute little boxes, but-for dessert I'm having a honey bar with all sorts of crackers, cheese, flavored honey, and sweets. I decided to fill these little guys with pretzels that look like bees for the bar. I used the same basic concept I used for these lady bug

After dipped pretzels in dark chocolate....I realized you can also buy pretzels that are dipped in chocolate, and this just saved me a lot of time....
I melted up some yellow chocolate in a ziplock bag (30 seconds, it took about 1 minute-I squished the bag around between heating). I snipped off one corner.
Stripes, place in fridge for a few minutes to harden, and then fill up these jars to go on the sweets table in just a few short weeks!
Wowza!!! So, so cute!!!!!
How cute is this?!? Love it!
what size jars did you get?
what size jars did you get?
For the honey jars, I got 12 oz jars. For the jars with pretzels....I don't remember the size, but they were little, only three little pretzels fit inside, maybe 3 inches?
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