I'm turning my guest room into a craft room. All the guest I would have know I craft, so....it's time. I've been doing a few projects over time and I'm just about to get started. Paint and floors need to happen first, but then the magic happens. I made a cork board I'll post about soon, but I knew I wanted a peg board. I thought I might get a large frame a thrift store, but even at thrift stores they were more than 20 dollars. BUT one evening I took my dog for a walk and someone had a huge frame out by the dumpster....
I took it home and ripped out the glass/pictures/back so that only the frame was left.
I grabbed a can of paint and gave it a good coating.
Last I grabbed a pegboard from Home Depot and I used the inside picture to cut it down to size. I also added to pieces of wood to the back of the frame so it sticks out a bit from the wall and I can put pegs on it.
So....for less than 7 bucks I have a 3x4 foot pegboard. Dumpster diving is my new favorite activity.
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