A Week of...Teacher Appreciation

I'm throwing up a week of teacher gift ideas (starting tomorrow) from past, and present, with a few more to come in the near future...as in, the next week. 
Teaching...sort of my thing, sort of my passion.  My biggest source of motivation often comes from the coworkers around me. 
I'm attaching a list below of all the past projects in the collage above with the how to's, sources of inspiration...or frustrations, but always motivation (I just wanted to add another ation word....thanks for playing along).  
9.  Recipe for a Good Teacher:  Apron and Recipe Cards
10.  Breakfast on the Go:  Biscuits and Jam


  1. all great ideas...I always enjoyed Teacher appreciation week when my kids were in elemenary school...we always had fun playing something for every day....

  2. These are GREAT ideas! Thanks for sharing.
    Hope you are having a great weekend!

  3. These are fantastic! I am saving some of these for the end-of-the-year! (We've actually got CRCT this week.) Thanks for linking up!

  4. Love these! I'm on the PTA and I have been cruising Blog land for ideas. We also try to doing things for the secretaries and janitors. Any fabulous specific ideas you have seen for them?

  5. What a GREAT list!! Thanks so much for sharing all this fun stuff with us!

  6. adorable ideas...love the beehive cupcakes and the chalkboard globe...so creative. stopping by from tatertots and jello!

  7. Lovely ideas. Might have to try those alphabet crayons one of these days! It's so important to appreciate teachers - as a teacher's daughter, I've seen firsthand all of the hard work behind the scenes. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Featured this post today on my "Walk Around Blog Land."

  9. Thank you so much for linking up to {nifty thrifty sunday} and making my first party such a great success! I would love if you stopped by tomorrow and share more of your cute projects! :)
    Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things}
