Yolanda's Bridal Tea

Friday, November 13, 2015
 On Halloween, I helped host a shower for my friend Yolanda.  There were four of us on the committee and the other gals had a ton of great items for hosting a tea.  Yolanda loves her teas...in particular, teas at the Ritz.
 One of the host had all these tea cups and tea pots.  How gorgeous?  The guest list included 70 invites and about 34 yes responses.  Most of these cups and punch glasses got used.
 Tea selection.
 We each tried to bring 'tea like dishes.
 Scones, a variety of jams, and clotted cream (bought from the store....yikes to the directions that goes into producing this little dollop of goodness).
 Petite Fours....my favorite.
Fun side note, one of the gals hosting had seen this 'game' where you wrap a bag of dates, kisses, and bottle of shout  You place them among the gifts and when the bride unwraps them, they have to tell about their first date, first kiss, and their first fight.  Games make me cringe, but this one was just right for a group of host that decided we did NOT want to do any games, but we did want to make it a little personal.  Tonight is the rehearsal, tomorrow is the wedding.  I can't wait to see what life brings next.  

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