The Apple: Mini Caramel Apples

Monday, September 06, 2010
*These are best served right away, if you want to make ahead, read all the notes at the bottom, and do a test run beforehand.  :O) 
I loooooooove caramel apples.  I know, I say "love" a lot, but I'm not kidding.  We are really in love.  I'm going to marry caramel apples, or have them at my wedding someday....or something.  It's true love. 
So, add this idea to my love of sticks, and mini things. I saw this is a Family Fun magazine over a year ago, I had to try it out!  I made one little adaptation, the pretzel 'sticks.'  I wanted the whole thing to be edible! 
It's a really easy process.  One green apple allows about 7 'mini' apples via a melon baller. 
I'm missing one b/c true to it's shaped, it rolled off my counter. 
I found these new balls of caramel, and melted them with a little water.  (I stirred every 30 seconds for about 1 and 1/2 min). 
I stirred, and then dipped. 
One bag of these caramels will safely make at least 5 apples (35+) mini apples.  Just be careful with the water to caramel ratio when melting, or it will completely fall off the apple over time if there is too much water.  (If you are serving these right away, no problem.  If you are serving these later, play around with this in advance, depending on the humidity where you live, the caramel likes to fall when it's next to the wetness of the apple.  I've read that freezing the apples after you dip them works, and the caramel won't completely freeze, but I haven't tested this yet.  Another alternative would be to use the caramel wraps you can buy near the apples in the fresh fruit section of the store.  Cut them down to size, wrap, and the caramel should stay put!). 
It would be fun to also add fun sprinkles, nuts, or other toppings, but I didn't waste my time....I just started eating.  I did reserve one for tomorrow's post.....In the immortal words of California's Governor circa 1990 something, "I'll be back...."
P.s.  Here are a few questions/comments coming up.  I used pretzel rods from Walmart.  I didn't have any problem pushing them in the apple.  I broke (maybe 2).  I had anticipated there MIGHT be a problem, so I was prepared to 'start' the whole with the sharp edge of a knife, but they really did pop right in.  A few people have said their pretzels got soggy, again it wasn't an issue for me, but I might try dipping them with toothpicks, and then replacing with pretzel rods right before serving, but I just thought I'd throw that out there.  As for the melting caramel, make sure your apple pieces are as dry as possible.  Pat them with a paper towel. (And see above caramel wrap alternative.)  My next mini apple extravaganza is going to include a 'make your own' mini apple bar.  I'm going to roll my apple bites in some lemon/water mix (thanks to the commenter on the pineapple juice  who says it works as well without the aftertaste, I'll be trying this, or sprite, which I just remembered also works the same way!) to prevent the apple from turning, insert the pretzel, then provide bowls of melted caramel and toppings for the guest to make their own carameled apples.  I always try ideas in advance to try to fix any of these issues, so let me know if anything else comes up!  Another suggestion for the tempermental caramel is to first dip the apple in a white chocolate, let is set, then the caramel.  Happy apple dipping!
Linking To:
Featured On:
A Crafty Soiree


MarytheKay said...

Oh my WORD! These are ADORABLE!!! I also really love caramel apples--so I am going to make these! Thanks for a great idea.

Anonymous said...

These are the cutest thing ever! I love caramel apples too but tend to avoid them since I end up covered from cheek to chin in caramel, perfect solution! Thanks for sharing, just started following you, lots of great ideas!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Hello adorable!!

Entertaining Women said...

I really like the idea of the mini-caramel apple. I might even tackle one of these...the large ones are always too much to tackle. Thank you for sharing your great idea. I appreciate your kind words on my post. I hope that you'll come back often to explore and visit. Cherry Kay

Courtney said...

I love this idea! I was just going to cut the apple in slices and try this. I am going to try it with the candy.

staci @ lizard n ladybug said...

these may be the cutest little things I've seen!! I'm totally adding this to my Halloween party menu!!
Thanks for sharing!

Anji* said...

These are so cute! and they sound yummy too, what a great idea!

Lori said...

So if they are bitesized, do you get to eat all seven to equal one large one. Looks great!

amy @ Life in Pink Hi-Tops said...

Those are so cute! And everyone will eat it ALL! Genius! Have some apples, all I need is some caramels!!

the thrifty ba said...

fantastic idea!

Kerri said...

We made these last cute! Too bad I'm the only one in the house that likes caramel apples!
Have you seen the caramel apple handsoap at Bath and Body Works? It smells soooooo good!

Unknown said...

I came across your blog through Sassy Site, love it. I'll have to try this candy apple idea for one of my desert buffet tables! Love it!

Lorie said...

So cute! I have seen the idea before, but the pretzel sticks instead of regular sticks is a great idea! Can't beat making the entire thing edible!!!

gena said...

Absolutely adorable !!!! These would be adorable for the coming Fall fun days ....

Thanks for sharing,

KimMalk said...

This is too cute - my girls will love this!

Kansas Amy said...

Yummy! I will be making these soon! Thanks again for all of your tasty treat posts!

The Sometimes Super Mom said...

Thanks for this great idea! We have a Spooky Treats Day at my school every year w/a prize for best treat. I think I will borrow your idea and win this year! :)

Stampinmama said...

Can't wait to try this wonderful idea thanks!!!

Holly said...

These are toooo cute! Definetely gonna make these! Thanks for sharing!

Erin said...

How did I miss this totally cute and outrageously yummy post?!?! I LOVE caramel apples. It's about the only way I'll eat apples =o) So cute!

HoosierHomemade said...

What a great idea! Big apples are often hard to eat. I love those Caramel bits too, I used them for the first time last year.

Charles and Heidi said...

YUM YUM YUM YUM YUM!! Can't wait to try these!! The pretzel stick... GENIUS!!!

Gen said...

Those are SO cute, thank you for sharing :)

Brianna! said...

my mr LOVES caramel apples
i must make these

Katie said...

Those are so freakin cute!!! I am going to make some for ER, I might not make cupcake but my goodness those are too adorable and easy to make NOT to! I see you linky links missy, where is one to A Crafty Soiree! You should totall add it, just because I love☺

Katie said...

Ha, ha, ha THANKS☺ Afterward, I thought I hope she takes that in the playful manner it was meant!

A Little Bit of Everything! said...

These are so precious! I'm going to have to try them. Thanks for sharing.

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said...

This is pure genius!! I love caramel apples, but they are too big and rich for me to eat a whole thing. Thanks for sharing!!!


Kelli said...

I am SO going to try these! I love caramel apples, but they are hard to eat, plus, let's face it, you want some caramel with every bite, right? So this is PERFECT. My kids will love making these! Thanks for sharing!

Leslie said...

Holy Shmoly.. this is the greatest idea ever!!!!! : )
Thanks for sharing Christy.

Leslie from Baltimore, glad to meet ya.

malia said...

christy! sweet idea... love little apples instead of the giant ones that are not easy to eat (-:

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

This is too much. The cuteness is hurting me! Love them!

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

P.S. I do an occasional "Cutest Thing Ever" post over on my blog and would LOVE to feature these. Send me an email if you'd be up for that. Thanks!

AUDRA said...

Great idea!!

Jane said...

We are having an "apple throw down" at my church next Sunday. It's a fundraiser for the homeless lunch program. Basically everyone votes for their favorite apple treat. I am going to make these. Any tips on how to get the stems in without breaking?

Lyndsey said...

Hi, I just found you via Tatertots & Jello, and I LOVE this idea! I hope you don't mind me featuring it/you on my blog? I will link back for sure. I'm a new follower, and I'm sooo going to make these!

Anja Rieger Design said...

So cute! Would love to see also red little apples and caramel! Thanks for the wonderful pictures.

Tara Mitchell said...

I love this! I am definitely going to make these for my daughter's class. Perfect for littler mouths. Thanks for such a great idea!

Katy said...

Oh my goodness!! These are adorable! Very much going to make these for my daughter's Fall birthday party! Thanks so much for sharing! Eep, excited!

Jennifer said...

Such a great idea! I'm totally doing this.

lej619 said...

wow what a great idea!! I have tryed the little round caramel bites. did not really like them. but then i just ate them from the bag. But what I do have is the caramel that comes in the tub. do all I would have to do is dunk them. ooohhhh going to have to try this later today.!!!

Jill said...


Unknown said...

We featured this recipe today as one of {Our Favorite Recipes}!

Splendid Little Stars said...

Oh yum! What a super great idea! love it!

Denise Marie said... are a rock star!! This is the cutest way to do carmel apples. I gotta do this and I thank you for sharing.

Jen said...

Following you from Gwenny Penny! This is so adorable! I am thinking of doing this for my daughter's 3rd birthday since it is a fall theme. Thanks for the tutorial! :0)

Shannon @ Quarry Orchard said...

I love caramel apples, but always hate how difficult they are to eat. Perfect solution!

La said...

Great idea....and a larger caramel to apple ratio. That's math I can appreciate! :o) La

Connie said...

What a wonderful idea. I am going to feature this post on my blog. I hope that is OK.

Anonymous said...

This makes me so happy! I have dental work that prevents me from chomping into a whole caramel apple. These bite-sized beauties are just for me!

Kate said...

I love this great for little hands! I'm visiting from CSI today. Happy fall!

Fallan said...

These look soooo yummy! I love bite-sized food! Perfect!
Saw this on the CSI Project

Amy {The Idea Room} said...

What a great idea! Finally enough apple to caramel ratio! These would be so fun as a little treat or a gift!

Gooseberry Patch said...

You're today's Link We Love! Check out our post at...!

Unknown said...

Stopping over from Gooseberry Patch! Love, love, love the little apple bites!!!

Unknown said...

super cute! I'm going to have to try it!

(saw you on csi!)

KB said...

How do you attach the pretzel stick? I am picturing myself surrounded by heaps of broken pretzel sticks, abandoning the whole project and just eating the melted caramel with a big spoon : )

Melanie said...

These are fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing such an adorable idea! I'm going apple picking tomorrow & so you can bet these will be on our "to-do" list!

Andi said...

These are the perfect size for my 4 year old. Can't wait to try these. And those caramel cool are those?! :-)

Found you by way of Gwenny Penny! Love your blog and am now a follower! Stop by


Mixed Media/ Altered Crafts said...

My son was just talking about me making some caramel apples for him. His birthday is in 2 weeks and this would be a perfect surprise to serve! Thanks for sharing!

Lyndsey said...

I just started making these for a block party this afternoon, and by the time I had the caramel melted and started dipping, the pretzel ends were mushy and broke off. :( I only put a tiny bit of water in my mix, but all the caramel slipped off of them too. Unfortunately...I was "forced" to eat all the ones I had already dipped. It was tragic, I assure you. ;) The salty pretzels are AWESOME with the caramel apples! Hmm, on to plan B...

Kimberly said...

Hmmm... weight watchers friendly caramel apples... I think I'm in love!

Paula said...

Stopping by from Gooseberry Patch: LOVE this! I hope I can make these soon...

gina said...

I, too, LOVE caramel apples! Now that fall is approaching I have been wanting to make some but being an empty nester now I really don't need a half dozen regular sized sitting in my kitchen! I could easily eat them though....I love them that much! Cannot wait to try these mini ones. Thanks for the great idea!

Lina said...


Wise Family said...

Use pineapple juice instead of lemon juice. It does the sane thing without adding the sour flavor. Cute idea, I'll have to try it this fall.

the decorated cookie said...

LOVE 'em. Thanks for sending along! I posted today at

Bella @ Bella before and after said...

Oh Christie, I would never attempt making carmel apples, but you got me dying to make these. HOW CUTE, very clever. Would you PLEASE be a sweetheart and link these up to my NEW ** 6 weeks 2 Spook** party, and let my readers see. Oh I just love it girl, THANKS so much for the idea. Bella :)

Bella @ Bella before and after said...

Oh Christie, I would never attempt making carmel apples, but you got me dying to make these. HOW CUTE, very clever. Would you PLEASE be a sweetheart and link these up to my NEW ** 6 weeks 2 Spook** party, and let my readers see. Oh I just love it girl, THANKS so much for the idea. Bella :)

Bella @ Bella before and after said...

Oh Christie, I would never attempt making carmel apples, but you got me dying to make these. HOW CUTE, very clever. Would you PLEASE be a sweetheart and link these up to my NEW ** 6 weeks 2 Spook** party, and let my readers see. Oh I just love it girl, THANKS so much for the idea. Bella :)

Lisa U said...

These are so freakin adorable I've been daydreaming about these for days! lol
Question - I want to make these for a birthday party; how do the pretzels hold up to the moisture? I'd like to make them half a day ahead, but if the pretzels are going to get stale, I'd have to resort to plain ol' toothpicks.

Lisa Brown said...

These are adorable and look yummy! Must give them a try!

Lara said...

What a great idea! Caramel apples are so good, but a little too much for the kids to handle, so these make it just right!! Thanks for sharing!!

srldesign said...

I'm gonna have to make these for my little ones, they would love them! great idea!

Old Souls Emporium said...

thank YOU !!

Bella @ Bella before and after said...

Christie, THANK YOU so much for linking up to my party ** 6 weeks 2 Spook** I love all the projects already, and not that you need me to tell you again, but this is just a super idea. If you come up with more fun halloween stuff, make sure to come back, and share. For all your other creative projects, my regular party is open al week, starting Tuesdays. THANKS again, and hope to see more of you. Bella :)

Norma Guerra said...

BRILLIANT! I know what I'm bringing to my next get-together.... :>

Holly Lefevre said...

Too cute! I just think these are adorable...I have to try these - the kids will love them.

Julie said...

I love this I added a link to my bolg so fun!

Misty said...

I am about to go make these for my party tonight! I hope they work out easily, since I didn't practice ahead of time. Wish me luck! I'll take pics if they do work out.. I'm using red apples instead and going to use chocolate and white chocolate to cover them along with some coconut. Mmm.. thanks so much for the cute idea!

Misty said...

Okay.. I made these last night and that will be my last attempt to ever do them again! lol

I found it difficult to cut deep in to the apple so they were as round as yours. I dipped them in the caramel, then froze them until party time. They ended up having the caramel melt off of them throughout the night and I ended up with a plate full of caramel. LOL! They tasted great though.

The pretzel rods ended up getting soggy and would break off if you tried to pick them up.. I broke a lot of pretzels sticking them in to the apple also.

I guess you just had good luck with making these! I think they are adorable and everyone loved them, thanks for the cute idea! Too bad they were a pain in my butt! haha...

Kristi said...

OMGoodness!!! Thank you SOOO much! I LOVE caramel apples, but because of bad teeth, I can't bite into apples anymore. I have to cut them up to enjoy an apple, and I thought I would never taste a caramel apple again (Apples in caramel dip come close, but it's just not quite the same!) This is AWESOME!!! Wish I had a melon baller (definitely buying one!!)

Katie | said...

These are SO CUTE! I cannot wait to make them for a work party! :)

Unknown said...

Made them! Loved them! Posted about them with a link back here!

Anonymous said...

It is like fondue! I love it!! I see a party coming soon...

Steph said...

I had two attempts at these! The first attempt turned out disastrous! I couldn't get the caramel to really stick to the apple and the ones that I did stuck to the wax paper and I couldn't get them off without destroying the whole thing! No bueno! AND my pretzels became soggy too after a while!

I bought these caramel wraps in the produce section at the store and used a pizza cutter to cut them into fourths. One fourth of one was enough to cover one little apple bite. Then I melted some chocolate chips and dipped them in the chocolate using toothpicks instead of pretzel sticks. Stuck them in the fridge to set and VOILA!! they were perfect!!

Melissa said...

Just found your blog and this super cute idea from My Mix of Six. I did it with my family and blogged about it here

Thanks for the cute idea!!

Jennifer Perkins said...

Made these little bad boys for my Halloween party this past weekend ( thanks so much for the recipe. They looked so pretty and everyone seemed so impressed.

Tyra said...

I'm featuring these little caramel apples over at today. Thanks for sharing such a great idea!

real wood bed said...

This is adorable! I really like to have something like this in parties.

Unknown said...

I have done these before, with a few changes. They are always a HUGE hit with kids and adults alike. Instead of caramel I use melted butterscotch chips (easier to use and hold up longer). I also use sucker sticks cut in half. Then there is no issue with the pretzel getting soggy. I made them the night before a party and they were great even 2 days later. I also add some sprinkles or chopped nuts sometimes, and they can be served in mini-muffin paper liners. One of the cutest birthday treats I've ever served. :)

Steph @ somewhatsimple said...

This looks so yummy! I am going to feature it on Thursday!

Lady Behind The Curtain said...

I love love love this idea! So creative. Would you come over to Cast Party Wednesday and share this and your caramel apple cupcake recipe with us? And any other recipe you'd like to share would be great too!
I hope to see you there!

Jackie Koll said...

I didn't read all of the comments so someone may have said this - but freezing the apples isn't the best idea - I had a friend do this for caramal apples she had her wedding as favors and the apples turned soggy. When they unfreeze, they are soft and gross :-( I do plan on using the apple bar idea at an upcoming birthday party - the guests should have fun dipping their own :-)

Anonymous said...

yup. doing this.

thank you!!!!

turrilynn said...

I, too, am a caramel apple lover! I pinned your post with some "mini" instructions. Thanks so much for the idea!

turrilynn said...

I, too, am a caramel apple lover! I pinned your post with some "mini" instructions. Thanks so much for the idea!

cjsmommee12 said...

if you're having and issue with the apple itself try green grapes they work amazing I have a friend who's kids aren't apple eaters but they ate the grapes :)

MiBlog said...

You can keep the "apples" chilled in a bowl f water spiked with lemon juice to keep fresh. Let guests make their own from a small crock keeping the caramel warm. Use evaporated milk instead of water. Mmm.

Stephanie said...

Just so you know, this blog has your post up..

Tamara Hasty said...

I think that the salt is important but can see how the pretzel would be troublesome. What about using a toothpick and then sprinkling a few grains of course salt while the caramel is still gooey?

Tamara Hasty said...

I think that the salt is important but can see how the pretzel would be troublesome. What about using a toothpick and then sprinkling a few grains of course salt while the caramel is still gooey?

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